Deploying Glance Step #3: Managing Ongoing Success

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This is blog #3 in a 3-part series about deploying Glance in the enterprise. The first blogs covered tips on communicating the value of Glance Visual Engagement to motivate your team, and successfully driving adoption of Glance across your enterprise.

Now, you’ve deployed and driven adoption, and it is time to shift your focus to maintaining momentum in full production mode. Check out these 4 best practices to make sure your team continues to get everything they can out of Glance.

Tip# 1: Monitor Glance Usage Statistics

We talked about monitoring agent usage reports in the Glance Admin Portal in the previous blog post about driving adoption. It is important to continue to monitor these reports to make sure Glance usage doesn’t decline now that you are in full production mode.

Check reports at least bi-weekly to make sure usage is not dropping off. We talked in blog #2 about incentive plans for motivating staff to adopt Glance. Keep incentives in place to ensure against backsliding. Remember, incentives don’t need to be costly, even inexpensive gear and  “chachkes” can go a long way towards driving the right activity.

The Glance Customer Success team will schedule regular check-in meetings (usually quarterly) to help you monitor and maintain momentum.

Tip #2: Tie Glance Usage to Business KPIs

In blog #1 of this series, we noted how important it was to communicate to the organization about the tangible business benefits Glance was expected to drive. Now that you are in production mode, you should be collecting data every day that proves those business benefits.

  • Improve contact center efficiency: For example, thanks to Glance, measured a 50% decrease in Average Handle Time (AHT) (read the case study here). And Constant Contact experiences higher First Call Resolution (FCR) for calls where Glance is used (learn about it here).
  • Increase sales: For example, ContructConnect shortened their sales cycle by 60% thanks to Glance (read the case study here).
  • Increase customer satisfaction: For example, Intuit measured an 18% increase in Transactional Net Promoter Score (tNPS) for service calls where Glance was used (read the case study here).

Make sure you have baselines to measure against and reporting in place. Charting progress against those business goals is essential.

Tip #3: Communicate Success

Don’t let your success be a well-kept secret! It’s important to share with key stakeholders updates on the adoption of Glance and its impact on your organization.

Making sure executives in your organization know about your success with Glance is an important strategy for continuity and for your own career advancement. Push messages about KPI improvement up the food chain, as well as anecdotal “feel good” stories that show off customer excitement and agent enthusiasm — everybody loves a good “happy customer” or “happy employee” story!

Glance can also help you promote your success outside of your company. Many companies are happy to publicize the fact that they are investing in premium CX and higher customer satisfaction. If you are interested in participating in a case study in a trade pub or for the Glance website, or if you would like to speak about your experience at an industry trade show, let Glance know and we would be most pleased to help.

Tip #4: Look for New Use Cases

Continue to think of new ways to use Glance. Question the most successful internal users on whether Glance can be used to help support other initiatives or departments at your company. Glance can be used to:

Even after full deployment, the Glance Customer Success team will stay engaged with you with regularly scheduled check-in meetings and ongoing support. We can help your team fully adopt Glance so that your company takes full advantage of Glance’s capability to improve customer satisfaction and business outcomes.

If you would like to learn more, visit the Customer Success web page or email

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