Top 10 Visual Engagement Use Cases You Need to Know

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Visual engagement—the integrated experience of cobrowse, screen share, and agent video—is revolutionizing the online customer experience.

We have all seen the way that Amazon and Apple have delivered humanized, personalized interactions through “virtual specialists” who guide customers through complex procedures with the click of a button. These leaders in the visual engagement space have produced customer experiences that leverage technology and thoughtful design to create competitive differentiation, deliver growth through loyal customers, and recruit newcomers who are looking for a compelling service.

Cobrowsing and screen sharing are rapidly being adopted by other organizations as well, to produce eye-popping results that are enabling these leaders to blow away their competition. Ready to learn their secrets? Here’s the low down on how they used visual engagement to gain quick ROI.

Enrolling in Healthcare

For many, thinking about enrolling in a healthcare plan incites trepidation, uncertainty, and confusion. There are so many paths to choose from. With all the reform in healthcare, it was shown that the winning strategy that the most forward-looking, successful healthcare companies could leverage was to use visual engagement solutions. Visual engagement allowed them to have an agent walk consumers through the many options available, and then help them fill out the relevant forms to enroll.

Read: What is Cobrowsing?

Visual engagement benefits: Increased enrollment, reduced abandons, educated (and happier) customers, improved lifetime customer likelihood.

SaaS Onboarding, Training, and Support

When a company such as a SaaS business does most or all of its business online, onboarding, training, and supporting clients can become a challenge. As many companies have discovered, having the visual engagement tools like cobrowse to walk clients through complex processes as though the agents and clients are in the same room is a key factor to success.

Visual engagement benefits: Improved software renewal rates, better understanding of software solution leading to fewer support calls in general.

Reviewing and Changing Financial Portfolios

Are you trying to understand your own investments? Or are you a broker who is attempting to explain an investment portfolio to a client? These can be stressful, emotional and challenging propositions. When a financial advisor can provide a personal touch and a means to better collaborate through visual engagement solutions, even across distances and online, customers feel more confident in making investments. The end result is a more trustful and open relationship.

Visual engagement benefits: Increased customer investments, greater customer confidence, better customer experience, less customer churn.

Increasing Online Self-service

Self-service can be a great option, but only if you know how to use it. Sometimes it takes a friendly agent to walk you through the process once, and then you’ll understand how to do it yourself. In fact, by leveraging visual engagement solutions like cobrowse, one utility reported that they aimed to achieve a 30% increase in the use of their self-service options. When customers call in to pay by phone, utility agents can accept payments while also showing customers how to pay online for the next billing cycle.

ReadCobrowsing and Screen Sharing – Are You Ready to Get on Board?

Visual engagement benefits: Increased usage of self-service options, fewer customer service calls, increased customer satisfaction.

Making Travel Reservations

From train systems like Amtrak to airlines like Jet Blue, there has been a huge increase in the need to manage complex transactions. Looking at all the options that are available for the traveler, whether making reservations or changing tickets, can easily boggle the mind. But cutting edge travel companies decided to take this challenge head on by implementing visual engagement solutions to simplify and improve customer service.

Read: When it Comes to Customer Service, the Customer is Not Always Right

Visual engagement benefits: Increased customer clarity, reduced call time, increased customer satisfaction, lowered churn.

Resetting Password

Who hasn’t lost their password at least once over the past year? Rather than having an endless call where customers can’t remember their password and are confused about the reset process, a few leading financial and telco/media companies took a different approach. They used their visual engagement solution to view customer input, coaching customers either to get the password right or to go through the reset process.

Visual engagement benefits: Shorter call time, reduced frustration, happier customers.

Cashing in on Loyalty Programs

From credit cards bonuses to frequent shopper rewards, customers expect to be recompensed for their loyalty. But sometimes understanding what you can get for which actions can be confusing. Businesses used visual engagement solutions like cobrowse and screen share instantly slash through that confusion, extending customer experience to new heights.

Read: 10 Ways to Say Thanks to Your Customers

Visual engagement benefits: Improved customer satisfaction, perceived ease of doing business, better customer service, raving fans.

Providing Opportunities for Luxury Retail Up-sell

Looking for a custom fit or not sure which options to purchase? Agents who proactively engage clients can expect to increase the top line on average by 30%. The personal touch via visual engagement becomes a critical differentiator, improving the buying experience for both agents and customers.

Visual engagement benefits: Increased revenue, long-term customer loyalty, spectacular customer reviews, lower customer churn.

Collaborating on Concept and Design

Boutique marketing, manufacturing, and engineering firms all need to work closely with their customers to develop concepts and designs that are both functional and effective. Visual engagement solutions enable clients and businesses to be on the same page—literally—sharing and collaborating on designs regardless of physical location.

Visual engagement benefits: Improved customer/business communication, greater customer satisfaction, streamlined design processes.

Reducing Option Overload

Sometimes more is better, and sometimes it’s just confusing. Whether you’re buying a home or a car or any other large item that requires working your way through a complex transaction, today’s successful companies recognize having an agent walk you through the process is invaluable.

Read: Grow Customer Satisfaction by Practicing Respect

Visual engagement benefits: Lowered customer confusion and frustration, increased customer sales, shorter time to close deals.

Improving Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, and Your Bottom Line

Ready to add your own use case to this list? Contact Glance Networks today to learn more about our ROI Insight program and reveal how visual engagement will improve your company’s customer experience and bottom line.

Are you ready to discover how Glance visual engagement solutions can improve customer engagement and increase sales for your business?

Sign up for your personalized Glance demo today!

About Glance Networks

Glance helps enterprise organizations create the ultimate customer experience with smart, omni-channel visual engagement solutions based around integrated cobrowse, screen share, and one-way agent video. We are one of the world’s simplest, most reliable and secure platforms that enable companies to see, show and share anything online, creating a frictionless path to great experiences in sales, support and customer service. The result is improved customer satisfaction and loyalty, increased revenue growth and operational savings. From financial services and healthcare to retail and travel and leisure, even the most advanced technology and SaaS organizations – we transform the customer experience for today’s business. Learn More »



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